Life Got in the Way of My Life 

Just noticed that the last entry was a year ago. Yikes! And, the new cd project didn't get released when I thought it would. That explains the title of this entry - my life got in the way of my life. Letting Go will be released in 2014. It really is happening. Yep. And I can hardly wait to share it with you!

And the name of the new CD is... 

With much hype and fanfare I announce the name of the new CD...Letting Go. Expected release date of late January 2013. I'm excited to get it out into the world!

Christmas in July and Faith without Excuses 

Hello Blog Readers Yes, I meant to post this blog last month. Time just got away from me! Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that the Christmas CD recording in Dallas, TX went really well. It was truly Christmas in the heat...and the humidity. Whew! I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled with how it turned out thanks to the amazing musicality of my producer, Tom Prasada-Rao. The number of instruments this man can play is just mind-boggling. Truly, I kept saying that I hated to sing over…

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Things I'm Excited About! 

May is generally the month where my regular job winds down a bit and my summer music winds up. I'm really excited to announce that I have some big plans this summer BIG. Here it is...I'm heading into the recording studio to record a Christmas CD. I'm pretty excited about it and I hope you will be, too. The plan is to have it done this season. Keep your fingers crossed! If you have a favorite Christmas song that you want me to consider recording let me know. Other things I'm excited about this…

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Play It Forward 

I love full circle moments. The kind of moment when the unexpected happens and you are once again reminded of the connection of kindness and goodness on the planet Recently I had that moment with a couple I had met through business, Johnie and Cheryl. And this whole story makes more sense if you know that my husband and I organize events for a living. Johnie is a new artist (to us) that did not make it to one of our spring art shows because of bad weather. He was driving up, hit black ice and his…

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Hey, that's a funny looking little guitar... 

Well, that's because it's not a guitar, silly. I'm the proud new owner of a sweet little Ukelele that I brought home with me from Hawaii during the Thanksgiving holiday I'm in love with it because it's just so darn cute (not to mention a dream to carry around). You'd swear the case is empty. In fact, I couldn't help but feel a bit cheated about playing the guitar - which is so much heavier - AND has two more strings. It's kind of like when I decided to play the flute in elementary school because it…

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Falling into Fall 

I love fall I love everything about it. The brilliant red hues of the cranberry bushes along my faded wood fence, the fire gold of the maple tree outside my bedroom window, the first gentle frost on my deck that my dog and cats leave paw prints in, the sweet fragrance of hot apple cider simmering on the stove....ahhhhhhh. Fall makes me want to slow my life down. And last night I did just that by attending a poetry reading by the poet Jane Hirshfield held at Gonzaga University. Jane's book,…

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CD Release Party Success! 

Whew...I am finally coming up for air after a rather intense August! Thanks to everyone who made it out to the cd release party. I had a blast giving out "Cheryl's Favorite Things" between the songs. Really, what is a party without presents? Now I know why Oprah gets such a kick out of this kind of thing! I was overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm and support. What a great night August also found me attending the Song School in Lyons, CO. This year I camped out in a tent...a really small tent...for…

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I'm on a guestbook high! 

Thank you to all of the guestbook signers! Thank you! Thank you! Seriously, I'm overwhelmed. I told my husband that I have no excuse now for ever feeling depressed about anything ever again with such kind words to keep coming back to. So much for all of the angst ridden songs I was planning on writing. I'm definitely more in a Carpenter's frame of mind, "I'm on the top of the world..." THANKS!

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Here's what's coming up!

Previous events

Live at the Hen House

(EDT, UTC-04) (EDT, UTC-04)

House Concert, Epworth, GA

Songwriters in the round featuring myself and RJ Cowdery, Elva Jones, Sue Leppla, Julie Derrick, Jennifer Lynn Simpson and Halley Neal! Contact: for location details $25 suggested donation

Other ways to connect with me!